Sep 19, 2023 | admin
If you are a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS) who has entered retirement, congratulations! If you are fully retired,* it may be time to change your status with ABOMS. Below, we outline the next steps.
*ABOMS defines “retired” as any Diplomate who has retired from the active practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery and does not practice any aspect of oral and maxillofacial surgery, even through volunteer work.
Change your account status
You worked hard for your credential, and it is important to change your account status to “retired” rather than allowing your certification to default to “inactive” or “suspended” when we don’t hear from you. This is how the process typically proceeds:
Call or email ABOMS
Let us know to change your certification status from “Active” to “Retired.” Email ABOMS at info@aboms.org or call us during business hours at 312-642-0070.
Update any written communications, professional materials, or marketing materials
Retired Diplomates must identify themselves as “Retired Diplomates of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery” in all professional materials and communications where your board certification is used, so be sure to update these for clarity.
You no longer need to participate in Annual Registration or Certification Maintenance
Retired Diplomates do not have to participate in Annual Registration or complete Certification Maintenance. However, the Board will still send you important communications via email, like our newsletter and other important things related to oral and maxillofacial surgery.
Should you have any questions or if your practice circumstances change, please contact our administrative office. The ABOMS Board wishes you well and thanks you for your support of the specialty throughout your years of practice!