Board Certification
Reach Your Full Potential
Are you interested in becoming a Board-certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon? Board Certification by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS) requires successful completion of the Qualifying and Oral Certifying Applications and Examinations. Once certified by ABOMS, the Candidate will become a Diplomate of the Board and must participate in the Certification Maintenance process.
Board Certification Examinations
The certification process is comprehensive, covering the biological sciences and clinical practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The certification process in oral and maxillofacial surgery consists of two examinations:
Qualifying Examination (QE)
The Qualifying Exam is a computer-based examination designed to test competency in the oral and maxillofacial surgery specialty. The first step in the ABOMS Board Certification process, this examination contains 300 questions covering 11 subject areas. Successful completion of the QE makes a Candidate eligible to apply for the Oral Certifying Examination.
Oral Certifying Examination (OCE)
The Oral Certifying Exam is an oral examination designed to test a Candidate’s knowledge and judgment in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The second step in the ABOMS Board Certification process, the test is comprised of three sections, each with four twelve-minute cases, for a total of 144 minutes, compared to the previous 200-minute exam. Successful completion of the OCE results in being formally recognized as a Diplomate of ABOMS.
Once an applicant successfully completes their Qualifying Examination, the Candidate is eligible to begin their application for the Oral Certifying Examination (OCE). A Candidate has three consecutive years, following successful completion of the QE, in which they can take and pass the OCE.
Examination Applications
An applicant must submit all required documentation for review and approval by the ABOMS staff before being permitted to continue in the examination process. Upon approval of a first time application, the applicant is then considered a “Candidate” of ABOMS. This does not include Fast-Track applicants, who would be considered a "Candidate" after an official passing letter is received.
After a Candidate has successfully completed the Qualifying Examination, they have three consecutive years to take and pass the Oral Certifying Examination.

Qualifying Examination (QE)
The ABOMS Qualifying Examination (QE) is the first step in becoming a Board Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. It is a secure, psychometrically valid computer-based examination administered to ABOMS applicants to test their knowledge in fundamental principles of the specialty.

Oral Certifying Examination (OCE)
Once an applicant successfully completes their Qualifying Examination, the Candidate is eligible to begin their application for the Oral Certifying Examination (OCE). A Candidate has three consecutive years, following successful completion of the QE, in which they can take and pass the OCE.

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